Sunday, 2 October 2011

City Walking USA

If you are looking for something a bit different to do on your USA holiday, then think about exploring the American cities by walking. USA cities have delicious delights awaiting you, and the following walking tours are unique, giving you an interesting and rare glimpse into the heart of the each city.


Seattle is a beautiful city, but you can only truly explore its many secrets by getting out of your car and walking. USA citizens joke about Seattle and it's propensity to always rain, but there are mysterious secrets to be found beneath the city. After the great fire, in 1889, the city had to be rebuilt. For some reason, only known to ancient Seattle-ites, they chose to erect the buildings first and then raise the roads. The shops and houses, therefore, were built with the knowledge that the lower part of the structure would eventually be underneath the city! You can now explore this strange underworld of forgotten lost shop fronts and eerily empty rooms on foot, and it is definitely worth getting out of your car or tour bus for!

New York

The city of New York has many secrets and such a wealth of history it is hard to choose where you should start walking. Each area of New York (Manhattan, Soho, East Side etc) has its own personal history and flavour, and it is up to you to decide what will interest you. You can walk through Harlem and learn about the African-American history, or discover stories about the Irish and their relationship to the city. You can learn, have fun and you can discover it all while walking. The USA's notorious street, 'The Bowery', has a few walking tours taking visitors along its infamous path, and is definitely a 'must' if you like your history with a bit of gore and sensationalism.


If you desire something a little extra with your walking tour, then how about a chance to explore Chicago by eating and walking? USA cuisine is noted around the world as being a mixed bag of cultures and tastes, and Chicago's is no exception. In fact, Chicago has a secret wealth of delicious eateries that tend to be left out of the usual tourist rounds. There are a few great tours that will take you to these restaurants and cafes and help you uncover their place in Chicago's colourful history.

Hot Springs

It may not be as large as the previous cities, but Hot Springs in Arkansas, has some brilliant walking tours on offer. A safe haven for many major mob names in the early part of the 20th century, Hot Springs has a dark and turgid past. Mobsters, such as Al Capone and Lucky Luciano have all trod the fair streets of the city, where you can now go walking. USA law in the early part of the 20th century could not force states to extradite people, and Hot Springs had very lax laws where this issue was concerned; hence its sudden boom as a criminal hideout hot spot.

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