Sunday 2 October 2011

Solar Power Lights: Enhance Your Garden's Beauty

Always wanted to light up your garden, but were always concerned about the added electricity costs? Then solar power lights are the answer to your problem.

Now you may be asking yourself are they just a gimmick or do they actually work well. The early versions of this type of lighting used to provide poor lighting and didn't last very long either, the bulbs would burn out quickly and the batteries proved difficult to charge.

Modern day use LED light bulbs and nickel -cadmium batteries. The bulbs used nowadays use up less electricity are brighter and last for a lot longer than their incandescent for-runners. With all thanks going to the mobile phone industry the batteries hold their charge for much longer periods of time and are re-charged by the sun. Another plus is that there is no need to dig up your garden to hide unsightly wires. Depending on how much sunlight the lighting has been exposed to during the day this kind of solar power light can run from between 8 to 10 hours each night.

The different types of solar power lights;

This kind of lighting can greatly enhance the looks of any garden setting, and it's not just restricted to the garden, security lights, pathways, steps, and driveways can all be safely lit up using solar power lights. There is no question that using these lights makes a lot of practical and financial sense in at least 50 different States across the USA. Before you go out and buy this type of lighting you need to consider where you are going to place them in the garden.

How solar power lights work;

Inside each light fitting is a photovoltaic cell which charges the battery. Once the battery has been charged from a whole day's exposure to the sun, they then provide the required electricity for the lights to turn on after the daylight has dropped below a certain level. Because they have their own little batteries you will no longer have to worry about hidden wiring when carrying out your garden chores.
Placement of lighting;

This is a very important consideration when deciding where to put the solar power lights, the PV panel that charges the battery needs to be exposed to as much sunlight as possible. The reason for this is that if the panel is shaded by trees or outbuildings or even bird droppings it can have a detrimental effect on the charge which will in turn affect how long the lights can stay on for after dark. If a certain part of your garden has a lot of trees then this is obviously the type of place to avoid. The beauty of solar power lights is that during the summer months the lights should be able to run all night but, do not expect to get as much life from them when winter sets in and daylight is at a premium.

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