Sunday 2 October 2011

Mail Order Brides No More - Meet Local Filipinas Who Are Beautiful And Ready To Date You

Filipinas are quite likely the best women in the world to marry! That is a pretty bold statement. I can back it up though and let me tell you why. When I was growing up my Dad told me about his days in the Navy. He was stationed all over the world, but his favorite place was when he was stationed in the Philippines. He was madly in love with a girl there.

Back in those days if a soldier wanted to run away from the Navy the best way to do it was to wait for the ship to leave the port. When those huge ships are moving away from the pier and all those soldiers are in their dress whites on the deck, brave young men would run and jump off the ship. You see, once those huge boats were moving they wouldn't stop them for a few soldiers who jumped ship.

My Dad had promised to jump ship and be with his Filipina love. At the last second though he chickened out. He just couldn't leave the ship and risk never seeing his family again. Now days it isn't like that. They have a thing called a K1 visa. It is the marriage and fiance' visa. If you are a legitimate couple who plans to get married they will grant your new girlfriend a visa to come to live with you here in the USA. Better than that there are plenty of Filipinas living right here in the USA!

In America we tend to think of the Philippines as a backwards place, but actually they are quite progressive. They are not nearly as third world as we might imagine. That means that Filipinas are not just ready to pick up and move to the states with anyone. Just like American girls they want to find a man who will love them and respect them. This just means that you need to be a little wiser in how you meet your Filipina friends.

There are lots of websites out there and many of them are frauds. I recommend you go with a site that has been around for a long time and has lots of members. That way you have lots of selections and you can talk to a woman who truly appeals to you. This may be the beginning of something truly magical in your life. Filipina women still believe that the man should be the leader in the home. They still respect their fathers and treat their family as the primary core concern.

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