Sunday 2 October 2011

My Recipe For Main Street USA Apple Crumble Cake

Nothing is more American to America than apple pie, or in my eyes apple crumble cake. Biting into a piece is like biting into a piece of home. It tastes like a warm part of American heritage (if that is even possible). Disneyland.....nothing clings to my romantic image of how the turn of the century should have looked like, than this place. My crumble cake brought me back to the feeling of walking down the land of Main Street U.S.A.

It is the most overlooked land in all of Disneyland, but without it all the charm and glamour of the park would be partly gone. Far as the eye can see you see shops that not only serve necessity but delightful simplicity. That is only the outside of course, because what you get is beautiful merchandise. From the delight of the old-fashioned Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor to the ringing and brightly lit Penny Arcade, you know you are part of an innocence now found.

Sounds of laughter float up the street mixed with the jingle of the trolley as it comes down the street bearing many happy residents. I can hear the soft clip-clop of the horses' horseshoes on the pavement along with the tinkling and grace of old time music. It makes the moment that much more magical.

The smell of vanilla and warm baked sweets greet you at the gate and tantalize your spirit. It relaxes and brings the comfort that only hearth, home, and family can bring us.

Sitting down at Carnation Plaza Café I taste everything that I could smell. Delicious hot soup with light and fresh sandwiches fills you up and makes you feel part of the magic. Finally I taste the apples inside a cake laced with cinnamon that makes it all that much more of a complete picture.

All that wonderment should be more than enough, but nothing compares to Main Street U.S.A in the night time. Have you ever known the night and never feared it? Well, here it is so. It is where families walk at night and not criminals. This is where lights accent the town and don't try to disguise it. It is honesty and innocence in its stark clarity.

All of this baked into one dessert. All the memories of my turn of the century have been put into this dish. The warmth of the apple, strength of the cinnamon, and the surprise of the raisins make this a dessert to cherish and enjoy.

For some of your own Main Street charm, try this recipe:

"Main Street U.S.A. Apple Crumble Cake"*

Ingredients: 1 and ¾ cup sifted self-rising flour, 7 tbs butter softened, 1 gala apple cored, thinly sliced and tossed in lemon juice, ½ tsp and a pinch of cinnamon, 5 tbs sugar sifted, 5 tbs Splenda, 7 tbs butter softened, 1 egg beaten, 2 granny smith apples peeled and cored, and 1/3 cup raisins.

1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 7 inch springform pan, line with wax paper and grease the paper.

2) Sift ¾ cup flour and ½ tsp ground cinnamon. Then rub 3 tbs butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs, stir in 2 tbs sugar and 2 tbs Splenda

3) Put 4 tbs butter, 3 tbs sugar, 3 tbs Splenda, egg, and 1 cup flour in a bowl. Beat for 1 minute. Spoon into the pan.

4) Mix together the granny smith apples and raisins. Spread them evenly. Sprinkle with the topping.

5) Bake for an hour. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Peel off the wax paper. Put the gala apple in the center and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

6) Enjoy with the rich simplicity of old time America.

*Base for recipe from Cake and I molded it from there.

Rachael Rizzo has been acting since she was nine years old. She uses her experience to write about what the things she loves mean to her (mostly movies and baking). She is twenty-three years old and resides in beautiful Oregon.

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